Rubia Cordifolia An Ethnopharmacological Review
Sharma Satish Kumar1*, Kumari Priyanka1, Tiwari Snigdha1, Sachan Kapil1
1.Sunder Deep Pharmacy College, Ghaziabad, UP, India
Rubiacordifolia, belongs to family Rubiaceae, commonly known as Indian Madder and Manjistha in Sanskrit. It is perennial, herbaceous prickly climber with long and cylindrical root with a thin red bark. Various parts of Rubiacordifoliahave been suggested in the Indian system of medicine for a number of diseases. The roots and stems are well known source of Anthraquinones. The roots have also been reported to possess antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anticancer, immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective activities. This plant has been pharmacologically screened for anti-acne, anti-convulsant, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti arthritic, anti-plateletand wound healing activities. This review will be helpful in the development of polyherbal formulation as well as for conducting further research to explore the therapeutic potential of Rubiacordifolia.
Keywords: Manjistha, Rubiacordifolia, Diseases, Antihyperlipidemic.